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Monographs, textbooks, and edited volumes

Reading Paul as Christian Scripture

Baker Academic, 2024

Reading Paul as Christian Scripture takes readers on a journey into the historical world of Paul, connecting his travels, letters, and theological insights to create a compelling picture of the apostle. Writing in a conversational style, Campbell is a trusted guide whose expertise in Pauline studies shines through on every page. The book has eye-catching illustrations and helpful sidebars, and students will thank their professor for choosing such an engaging, instructive, and relevant textbook.”

— Dr Lynn Cohick, Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Houston Christian University


Basics of Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek
Second Edition


Zondervan Academic, 2024

”Con Campbell’s book, Basics of Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek Second Edition is a model for its genre and right at the top of books I recommend to students of the Greek New Testament. Written by a master teacher and scholar … this is a book to buy, use in classes, read and reread, and recommend to all.”

— Dr Chris Tilling, Head of Research and Senior Lecturer in New Testament Studies, St Mellitus College, London


The Letter to the Ephesians

Eerdmans, 2023

"Campbell’s characteristic attention to detail and judicious judgment produce an interpretation of the letter that is both exegetically convincing and theologically rich.  Highly recommended for scholars, students, and pastors.”

— Dr Brian Rosner, Principal, Ridley College


Jesus v. Evangelicals

Zondervan Reflective, 2023

"Con Campbell knows the American evangelical scene from the inside, yet he offers an outsider's perspective of a movement that he believes has gone astray. Using a mixture of cultural commentary and biblical insights, Campbell puts his finger on the lies and lunacies that get trotted out in the name of Christ in American circles. This is not an elitist critique of popular American religion, it is calling America back to the religion of Jesus and the apostles." 

— Dr. Michael F. Bird, Academic Dean and Lecturer in New Testament, Ridley College


God's Grace Inscribed on the Human Heart

SCD Press, 2022

Author of chapter 20: 'Grace and Faith in Ephesians 2:8–10: Engaging Barclay and Bates'

A collection of essays in honour of James R. Harrison.


The Perfect Storm

Peter Lang, 2021, with Buist M. Fanning and Stanley E. Porter

Nowhere are the chaotic debates surrounding contemporary aspect theory more heated than in discussions of the theory's application to Hellenistic Greek, and especially its understanding of the semantics of the Greek perfect tense. This book is a distilled academic debate among three of the best-known scholars on the subject, each defending his own unique interpretation while engaging the other two. The Perfect Storm will prove an indispensable resource for any scholar seeking to write convincingly on the Greek perfect in the future.


Paul and the Hope of Glory

Zondervan Academic, 2020

"Paul and the Hope of Glory shows the organization of a German monograph, the lucidity of a well-spoken English professor, the nuance of an ancient historian, and the passion of a Protestant evangelical. Some will be surprised but all will learn. I expect this book to become a steady source for years to come on Paul’s eschatology.” 

— Dr Scot McKnight, Julius R. Mantey Chair of New Testament, Northern Seminary


Reading the New Testament as Christian Scripture

Baker Academic, 2020, with Jonathan T. Pennington

“Precious few texts succeed where this one excels—winsomely equipping beginning students of the New Testament with enough resources to understand and respond to its message without burying them with information. It will quickly become a standard choice for both novice and veteran educators. I enthusiastically recommend it!”

— Dr Jonathan Lunde, Professor of New Testament, Biola University


Evil & Creation

Lexham Press, 2020

Author of chapter 2: 'Judgment of Evil as the Renewal of Creation'

"By placing our experience of suffering within a broader theological context, Evil and Creation enhances our understanding of the doctrine of creation. The result is a rich variety of reflections on topics such as evolution, animal death, intellectual disability, sabbath, and covenant."

— Dr Hans Boersma, Chair in Ascetical Theology, Nashotah House Theological Seminary


Linguistics and New Testament Greek

Baker Academic, 2020

Author of chapter 2: 'Aspect and Tense in New Testament Greek'

"Linguistics and New Testament Greek offers essays by scholars who are actively engaged in current linguistic and New Testament scholarship. This volume goes a long way toward building a solid bridge between linguistic advances and the study of New Testament Greek."
—Dr Dana M. Harris, Associate Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School


"In Christ" in Paul

Eerdmans, 2018

Co-editor and author of chapter 3: 'Metaphor, Reality, and Union with Christ'


Nineteen biblical scholars and theologians in this volume explore the notions of union and participation within Pauline theology, teasing out the complex web of meaning conveyed through Paul's theological vision of being "in Christ."


CSB Worldview Study Bible

B&H, 2018 

New Testament Editor, Associate Editor, Contributor to New Testament study notes

The CSB Worldview Study Bible features extensive worldview study notes and articles by notable Christian scholars to help Christians better understand the grand narrative and flow of Scripture within the biblical framework from which we are called to view reality and make sense of life and the world. 


Reading Biblical Greek

Zondervan, 2017, with Richard J. Gibson


"Open this book to any page, and you will feel that a master teacher is gently leading you to abundant pastures of reading the Greek New Testament. Students will love this book. Well done!”

— Dr Robert L. Plummer, Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary


Reading Biblical Greek Workbook

Zondervan, 2017, with Richard J. Gibson

The Reading Biblical Greek Workbook is a companion resource to Reading Biblical Greek: A Grammar for Students. The workbook breaks up the Greek text of Mark 1-4 into manageable portions and provides the vocabulary and grammatical assistance required for beginning students.


1, 2 & 3 John: The Story of God Bible Commentary

Zondervan, 2017

"An extremely valuable and long overdue series that includes comment on the cultural context of the text, careful exegesis, and guidance on reading the whole Bible as a unity that testifies to Christ as our Savior and Lord." 

― Dr Graeme Goldsworthy, author of According to Plan


Getting into the Text

Pickwick, 2017

Author of chapter 2: ‘Prepositions and Exegesis: What’s in a Word?’

"The content of the Festschrift is worthy of Professor D.A. Black's scientific merits, and its more than appropriate title does not disappoint the reader's expectation."

—Dr Luis Gil, Catedrático Emérito de Filología Griega, Universidad Complutense, Madrid


Theology, Church, and Ministry

B&H Academic, 2017

Author of chapter 7: ‘The Study of the Language of the New Testament'

"This important work will serve as an essential resource for those asking why we need theological education in the 21st century.”
—Ed Stetzer, Billy Graham Professor of Church, Mission, and Evangelism, Wheaton College


Advances in the Study of Greek

Zondervan, 2015

“A brilliant idea, successfully executed! Anyone interested in grasping key issues in the modern study of New Testament Greek can do no better than read this clear and excellent survey.”

— Dr Moisés Silva, Retired professor of New Testament, author, and editor


'In Christ' in Paul

Mohr Siebeck, 2014

Co-editor and author of chapter 3: ‘Metaphor, Reality, and Union with Christ’ 

"The essays in this volume are all exceptional in quality and represent cutting-edge exegetical investigation and theological analysis. Anyone examining the topic of Paul's mysticism, by whatever term used, will have to engage the diverse arguments and timely reflection on offer in these pages."

—Dr Robert B. Foster, Madonna University


Colossians and Philemon

Baylor University Press, 2013

"This concisely written handbook is rich with semantic and grammatical insights that will prove very helpful to pastors and teachers who are serious about reading the Greek New Testament carefully and accurately.”

— Dr Clinton E. Arnold, Dean and Professor of New Testament, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University


Outreach and the Artist

Zondervan, 2013

"Outreach and the Artist is a beautiful palette of theology, mission, and creative arts mixed together. May many artists not only read this book, but may many lives be changed as a result of those who put into practice what is within its pages.”

— Dan Kimball, author of They Like Jesus but Not the Church


Paul and Union with Christ

Zondervan, 2012

"Now at last there is a comprehensive study that pays attention to the use of 'en' and related terms in the whole of the Pauline corpus and incorporates the insights of contemporary scholarship. This will be a valuable reference work for all students of New Testament theology.”

— Dr I. Howard Marshall, Professor Emeritus of New Testament, University of Aberdeen


Devotions on the Greek New Testament

Zondervan, 2012

Author of 'Ephesians 2:19–22: The σύν-Mirror of Christian Salvation and Christian Unity' and '1 Peter 1:7: The Testing of Faith’

Devotions on the Greek New Testament introduces devotions—based on a careful reading and study of the Greek New Testament—written by some of the top Greek scholars of today. Contributors include Scot McKnight, Daniel B. Wallace, Craig L. Blomberg, Mark Strauss, and William D. Mounce, among others.


Discourse Studies & Biblical Interpretation

Logos, 2011

Author of chapter 6: ‘Breaking Perfect Rules: The Traditional Understanding of the Greek Perfect’

The goal of this volume is to see that Stephen Levinsohn's work receives the commendation that it deserves. Each of the contributors to this volume has had their ideas challenged or influenced by Levinsohn's work, and each counts it an honor to contribute to a volume honoring him. 


Keep Your Greek

Zondervan, 2010

Keep Your Greek is a godsend. It’s chock-full of wit, humor, and good advice. Campbell’s approach is practical—and achievable. You will feel convicted, challenged, and most of all encouraged to get back into the game.”

— Dr Daniel B. Wallace, Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary


Christ's Victory Over the Powers

IVP, 2009

Author of chapter 6: ‘With Christ Over the Powers’

Throughout Christian history, the relationship between Christians and the forces of evil has been examined from a variety of perspectives; and recent missional studies and pastoral practices have stimulated further discussion. This volume, based on the 2008 Moore College School of Theology, seeks to listen below the present clamour drawing attention to the demonic, in order to hear the whisper of the gospel message more clearly, and to explore the power and victory it promises - even in the face of evil powers.


Exploring Exodus

IVP, 2008

Author of chapter 7: ‘From Earthly Symbol to Heavenly Reality: the Tabernacle in the New Testament’

This volume, based on the 2007 Moore College School of Theology, acknowledges that reading Exodus for all its worth, as a witness to the gospel and as wisdom for Christian living, is an enormous challenge. The book's appeal for today is unmistakable, in terms of its epic scope and moral complexity.


Verbal Aspect and Non-Indicative Verbs

Peter Lang, 2008

"As with his previous book, Verbal Aspect, the Indicative Mood, and Narrative, Campbell has placed students of the Greek of the New Testament in his debt. His current study traces the significance of verbal aspect in the non-indicative moods, here demonstrating that aspect in these forms functions primarily at the clause level. I commend it highly for careful study.”

— Dr Rodney J. Decker, Professor of New Testament and Greek, Baptist Bible Seminary, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania 


Basics of Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek

Zondervan, 2008

“Students of New Testament Greek have for years been wrestling with middle-level and advanced volumes unpacking verbal aspect. Something of a revolution has taken place during the last two decades. What has been lacking, however, has been an accessible introduction to the subject. Here it is! With limpid prose, logical development, and helpful examples, Con Campbell has put countless teachers and students in his debt.”

— Dr D. A. Carson, Emeritus Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School


Not Ashamed: 2 Timothy

Aquila, 2008

“Con is one of the most talented people I know. A brilliant musician and a first-rate New Testament scholar, here he applies both sides of his brain to give us a wonderfully creative and biblically rigorous account of the sometimes neglected epistle of 2 Timothy. Not Ashamed is full of practical insights and is sure to strengthen the resolve of all who take the time to soak up its rich message.”

— Dr John Dickson, Distinguished Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Public Christianity at Ridley College


Donald Robinson, Selected Works: Appreciation

Australian Church Record, 2008

Author of chapter 13: ‘Finished the Race? 2 Timothy 4:6–7 and Verbal Aspect’


Verbal Aspect, the Indicative Mood, and Narrative

Peter Lang, 2007

“This superbly written volume makes a substantial contribution to this complex but disputed linguistic problem. The author, who moves easily in the fields of linguistics, Classical Greek and New Testament Greek, has presented a fresh paradigm for understanding the indicative mood in the New Testament. This fine book deserves to be read by serious scholars of the New Testament.”

— Dr Peter T. O’Brien, Senior Research Fellow, Moore Theological College

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